Thursday, November 29, 2007

Maker of Dreams

A-Muse-singing in trickles of words
to prime the pump of a torrent of meanings --
grasping at each one roiling into another
like Loves children to come in mutations of mercy
and endearing us to the charms of knowing
like a twirling Galaxy knows the humble dust
from which it’s many glittering Suns arise!

Wondrous is the time of diminishing
where we murmur lost in highlighted
memories meandering foolishly in lost time.
We thrive when dancing with our youth
who need our cautious wisdom
as we need their brave new world --
together our Hearts are ageless in wondrous awe!

Humility and homage put together in a comely way,
a celebration of finding Humanity in the midst of dire miseries.

A Brave New World comes of bits and pieces of the old;
you are the expected ones who shall break down
the Icons of excess and old world prejudices
to create the new, that's what we do!

I like Roses because they are Beautiful
and yet can protect themselves with thorns.
Their smell has properties that open up brain centers
and create feelings of Love; releases the hormone serotonin
which is a "monoamine neurotransmitter"
that aids in memory recollection and feelings of thriving!

         It speaks true of Loves light
that the giver is the maker of Dreams in the night!

Love's promise of lightening the load
and seeing one through to the other side of misery
with loyal equanimity and sweetness of Soul!
That is humanities lofty goal!

Friday, November 09, 2007

Pattern Recognition

Every so often a pattern emerges that seems to break through the seeming boundaries of perception and understanding; Nature provides a nexus of connections so these patterns become extraordinary yet plain and simple.

Sometimes we call this 'pattern recognition' by different names. Deja Vu, coincidence, group mind phenomenon, meme’s, and the Akashic records. The negative has also been stated within the writing communities and especially the Academic halls of power, i.e., plagiarism, stealing one's ideas and copying another works. Intellectual Property rights is based on this idea.

I've been an avid reviewer here at Writers Cafe and have noticed various themes emerge which can be seen from either a positive or negative viewpoint concerning their 'originality' and hence veracity. As such arguments of various sorts have erupted which leave the parties involved exasperated and sullen.

While there is all out 'copying' that does happen from time to time more often then not it is just a thematic process that is occurring that is unprovocative and interesting if you really think about it.

Ken Keyes Jr. wrote an interesting short story called the 'Hundredth Monkey' based on research in Japan. Ken Kesey and his Merry Pranksters often referred to this as did Dr. Timothy Leary whom I had the opportunity to meet. The Great Cosmic Coincidence Center!

"There is a point at which if only one more person tunes-in to a new awareness, a field is strengthened so that this awareness is picked up by almost everyone!"

This underscores the flexibility and plasticity of the mind and the inter-connectivity we really have with each other in consciousness.

What really is interesting in light of the newfound theories of Quantum Mechanics and the Higg's/Boson is that everything is 'created' from consciousness and choice.

Will under Love is the proven best Agent of Change in our personal lives and in our World is the same process. All it takes is the ‘courage’ (with Heart) to change with Joy and Love at the base of this change.

When enough of us have gone through this process everything begins to change and it begins with you!

You may be the ‘Tipping Point’ to the great evolutionary leap that is now needed in this world.

Are you ready?

engrams of mentation

Every word is articulated and
recycled from vast philosophies
or the imminent need to declare

that thing out there, or better
the feeling expressed in 'I care!'
A loom of words in dendrites

flash to neuronal fires of
understanding and a smile now
lingers upon your face -- grace!

Everything has been thought of
before and indeed comes over
again in reflections unending.

Like bubbles upon the river
to forever on to a sea of
reveries roiling in meaning.

Perception is often filtered
by our engrams of mentation
and as such delivers events to

our brain as memories instead
of activities in reality -- thinking!
Articulate reality perception is

a raw unadulterated interface
with all that is -- being!
the bliss of NO:W:HERE,

I'll meet you there ...

Thursday, November 01, 2007

A comet in our sky

May you rise

A Heart of Love knows not to compare
'nor differentiates in any way,
as Love is as Love does
making only Love every day.

With wonder and with cosmic awe,
thus we write with such a pen,
jammed into the vibration,
and write again and again,
of what our muse does sing,
that bliss is much more then fame can ever bring.

Thus these words are writ not for ourselves, 'nor wit,
but to venerate every single one.
Our words shine like light from a heavenly Sun,
or like the Moon beam that comes at night
to kiss their eyes filled with tears,
and by this kiss remove their fears.

In the language of astronomy,
the two ends of the Moon's elliptical orbit
are called "apogee" and "perigee."
The fullish Moon at perigee
makes the tides to rise!
Thus the Poet sings for all to realize!

With the Truth that shines on in his Heart,
he knows not right 'nor wrong!
He only chooses from Love to which we all belong
and not with dead forms and rituals,
that wounded reason may claim,
but with a living Heart which can never blame!

A revolution of the sort,
with Heart and Soul the meaning,
this is a noble goal!
May you rise to that protectorate
of those who are cut off from light
and lost in unscrupulous darkness;
rise up with your banner of Truth and Heart,
rise up and raise each and all with your noble Art!