Wednesday, December 17, 2008

the sound of her heart

some six degrees of freedom away
closer in the beat, the silence between
now I know what she meant

she was a musical 20 something;
she liked to walk her dog
gave recitals until the car crash

she wrote a violin concerto in B minor
a homage to Brahms
the harmonics of the heart

under water in my bath
while pulling at the ridge scar on my chest
I can hear her violin somewhere in the distance

Saturday, December 06, 2008

the wind in sigh'd

lay down, may she row, sarshar-sharade
make current up-down the spinal tree
from Afghan deserts to the inside of me
sigh to all of our enemies who loved
lived and died by their windy tree
where they were blown out to a farther sea

let go, know, believe I am gone farther
where all the dead sing as Angels fall in fire
sleep so, watching o'er you

some come from beside your bed
when the wind seeks them out for tears
to shed, for the ocean needs them
don't believe me my tears
loose yourself in yours
the wind has come again