Tuesday, September 04, 2007

kiss: Binary attraction

the 'kiss' I referred to above, is all the little infinity of convergences in time and space, even beyond our foolish sense based metaphors... where water meets land, sky meets mountain, light meets eye, lips meet tounge, pen meets paper, yabyum you know, is that sort of convergence. This is a kiss and the kiss is a metaphor for 'attraction' and LOVE, that ancient ache ... and we are always being 'kissed' this way and never alone, separate, as this LOVE embraces us within and without ... a timeless recycled ravishing, consuming and reviving us over and over again on the edge of forever.

'twinkling' is what happens when the earth kisses a star and our eye
is ravished in awe and wondrous rapture makes our Heart to flutter euphoric...

an ancient ache,
vortex prayers and
fractal wishes.

frequencies combine,
harmonics converge,
over vast distances,
longing is cast;
crescendos and catastrophes.

two stars; disa-stars
orbitally dancing
time and space matters.
letting themselves
be consumed and revived
over and over again.
an invergeous ravishing
over the edge of forever

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