Thursday, February 26, 2009

I'll lick the flame from your bleeding edge

we're gathered in that light
with Lunar whim
I lick the flame, a bated breath
an elemental need of your nether world
where stirs a glowing passion
for us to burn again

gathering our attentions
to the tensions rousing just below
with emotions cum hesitations and then
a transcendental drift, though a narcissism
runs a schism relentlessly through it

we dive deep together
until after we've 'come'
to our separate desperate ways;
a sycophant to a sociopath
a bleeding on the edge of pain
after a paradise of ave Marias
where we arouse it all over again

rapt inside with synaesthetic invigorations
overflowed, swelling, mingling
with restless meaning tingling, emptying
a flower that plumbs the depths of your Sea
with absolute surrender stuttering ecstatically

i remember she cries, lightning in her eyes
stars in her head, our rhythm makes a song
echo to the Tombs of the Nile Kings
shuddering their vessels to forever

1 comment:

jeRRy said...

your poetic rythm 'n insight would assist me with this pome -- a form which I'm not so easily immured in -- I'm after the curious looks in the way that practical critique brooks -- a sort of gest-tickle-you're form of poetic imagery 'n dance with sonics 'n signals that NeuRomance