Friday, March 13, 2009

observations on the edge of eternity

those dead-ends are just around the corner
where deep calls to deep,
that infinite-in just beyond where we sleep,
in that dream we don't have any names,
no games, no blames, neither waxes nor wanes,
no hell of flames, no self-deprecating shames,
a place where we'll all happily greet,
in a tunnel vision where all dead-ends meet

1 comment:

jeRRy said...

speaking of eternity its apparently slipperier than expected -- it was expected that the gravity of matter would tend to sloow expansion and possibly become a big crunch, however dark matter 'n energies which make up 95% of all that is may be responsible for the acceleration of expansion found to be going on -- wow dude, ride that curl, that infinite wave, faster 'n faster, ICED DOWN THE LINE, OFF THE LIP, TOES ON THE NOSE BROS -- we are accelerating to that eventual unknown, wicked fun, totally awesome, rad, sweeet 'n wooka -- " Yo brah, your such a zepherrr"