some don't get the emotions, see them as cliche', while the root of the problem is the heart I must say -- where we begin in our Mother's water place, the beat of her life, made ours by grace -- the pedagogues 'n pip-squeaks don't get the emotion that leaks from the pen, as longing, as aching, as yearning in unbearable swells, again 'n again -- they've never birthed in bursting strife, their suffering 'n joy of life
we are the foam on the sea of reality, where the roiling of Natures longing takes us to the next wave of creation. We are a mutation and a momentary play on this thin organic film of symbiotic life on our inextricably intimately evolving Planet. We are this Planets thoughts and meaning. This Planet longs in swelling waves toward the Stars. From Stars we come to Stars we shall return. Look up! Dream Up! Love up! Burn!
writes of passage in the passion-fomenting each stroke of our pen, boils the words we've writ then ...
... cunning-less is the base of it: your juiced with over-flowed inspirations blissinging up yur' 'lectrikly sapient spine, making you feel an infinite-in, outwardly sublime
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