Friday, April 25, 2008

a bridge'd

Inwards murmur'd,
ungrip'd by study'd meaning --
oh loose'd Heart

-- in between'd --

Starry eye'd,
intention'd the space,
potential'd --

Speak silence'd,
power'd by the pause'd --
out Words


a bridge'd,
reflect'd --

In sigh'd,
high'd 'fluttering Heart',
a fragile'd perception

then dream'd
outwardly empty'd
with unmeanig'd Peace.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

invertendo man inside out

death looks from within my eyes -
neither attracted nor repelled -
a life lived and all things come and go,
but this I know, that death looks through my eyes,
isn't it so - I shall pass by

deep calls to deep -
that is the longing song of
as above so in you and we are

always going and never arrive,
a surging urge,
a wavelet amongst waves
that come and in restlessness ever go -

blood makes noise and bones rattle -
I will play the bones to make my blood sing
Poetic mysteries and my tears will write earthen histories
and wash the ink of this pen with
a fluid flowing heart all over again:
an ancient echo, a longing ache in etched bones that lay awake --

as an idiot staring at forever, profoundly dumb,
without but within, neither compelled by mediocrity
nor attracted by individuality --

awash in an ocean and ever blowing
in a veritable wind; inscrutably peregrinated then --

Sunday, April 13, 2008

inWORDS Spring out

wallowing in recycled soil
spreading it amongst the
gardens imminent growth --

a big black beetle bumbled
along the boulders of mud
carrying rainbows on its back

ambling amongst the spear
spires of new growth
reaching for the Sol of the sky --

spring sprouts out -
spring out - spring out
without a doubt

where earth meets air
the edges there --
where water meets beach

we are all facing time
as a wave against
formidable eternity --

Springing forward carrying
rainbows on our backs
reaching for the Soul

in the sky --

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Green Man

As above, so in you
the light, the warmth, the sky of blue
and in the darkest of the nights
the Stars that sparkle as they do...

the language of the Birds his secular tongue,
while silence is his noble one,
arises from a living soul within his Heart,
and washes simple throughout his Art...

This then is what we can say of Art,
that it is born of the Heart of Wonder,
which blooms as leaf in where we ponder,
and bears the fruit for all to eat,
-- ambrosia, Divinely sweet...

... this Alchemy of Awe, that sweetest sap,
that runs from roots within my chest,
and seeps to branch and leaves of Wonder,
to where it is that I still ponder ... is let
to this pen and writes with words of Love
on wings of letters to your eyes reflecting all the world ...