Wednesday, August 08, 2007

the Poetry of small miracles

Poetry often reflects the 'small' miracles in our everyday struggle. Like most Art it is subjective and produces few Saints. However having a 'Myth' is like having a 'Map'! We can share these 'stories' of our 'Map Quest', our experiences, and somehow in the sharing we are renewed!

There are Poets that can and do 'create' 'memes' of our time; who tap into the Zeitgeist of our present and make our struggle somehow more familiar and endurable. 'It is like this ... stories around the fire, a trick of the light'

Objective Art? What would that look like? What 'measure' shall we use to gauge its voracity and purport? Would everyone 'gather' the same important 'meaning' and evolve with the same eternal Vision?

God has no religion, and religions have no God! Art has no 'meaning', where meaning is without Art! Art/Artist is always creating itself! I see a Mobius M.C. Escher drawing here.

The Heart does not differentiate, it beats in the rhythm of the sea; the head makes the distinction that you are not really me!

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