Friday, November 09, 2007

engrams of mentation

Every word is articulated and
recycled from vast philosophies
or the imminent need to declare

that thing out there, or better
the feeling expressed in 'I care!'
A loom of words in dendrites

flash to neuronal fires of
understanding and a smile now
lingers upon your face -- grace!

Everything has been thought of
before and indeed comes over
again in reflections unending.

Like bubbles upon the river
to forever on to a sea of
reveries roiling in meaning.

Perception is often filtered
by our engrams of mentation
and as such delivers events to

our brain as memories instead
of activities in reality -- thinking!
Articulate reality perception is

a raw unadulterated interface
with all that is -- being!
the bliss of NO:W:HERE,

I'll meet you there ...

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