Monday, March 29, 2010

a mote in God's eye

In myth and legend the "stone-people" held memories, impressions, which could be accessed by sensitives - the crystal-stone has at it's core a fractal-matrix which can hold information and then transmit this information - the piezo-electric effect, the building-block of our CPU's, silicon the semi-conductor, and of course the galena-crystals in Radios, for over-the-air communications ...

accessing their memories can tell their stories from Cosmic forces to the history of Man, bringing lore from the life of the land - the stone-people are sentinels of the land and with their memories they softly sing to our DNA-crystals - it takes several generations for the Land to change a People, then we begin to see these changes in our children as they tell us the old-stories they've heard in dreams and the music of the land whispered to them from wind and stream -- ultimately we are relations to the stone-people with their message of fire and ice...

All dirt is made from Mountains and Mountains are made from Fire and a Star exploded in ancient space for all this to transpire. So I'm DIRT you know, a stone slipping into clay, the language of Mountain written in the dust clinging to a tree! From dirt I come to Stars I'll return, through the fire aspiring inside this longing yearn to burn, a mote in the eye of God, toward a black-hole in the heart of space, where dust gathers unseen from all over the place ...

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