Monday, June 12, 2006

Memorial of Viktor Alexander Duzik

50 hearts gathered at Boal Chapel to support the Young Duzik family and to see and hear of the brief, remarkable life of Viktor.

A slide show flickered on a screen at the front of the Chapel. Pictures lovingly assembled by Jaromir, the Father. A time-line, from pregnancy, birth to the death of little Viktor. Below the screen, a table with blossoming Spring flowers and a small oval yellow cedar Urn.

Music wafted through the Chapel; a symphony that carried the Heart to the sublime. A longing of sweet sorrow, in every note.

Anna, Viktor's 3 year old Sister, began a slow rhythmical sway to the tempo of the music. Her arms elegantly held akimbo. Turning gracefully, interpreting the sounds intentionally, with a gentle pious smile on her face. An Angel dancing for her little brother, with all the Art and Soul she could gather, well beyond her years. It was a gentle prayer offered in graceful movement with a heart full of the presence of God.

Alexandra told Viktor's story. The room of people transfixed; all eyes forward and ears alert. She began with tears of grief. Then a quiet settled in the room; her face lightened, shining from some secret joyous place inside. Her heart spoke directly; sweetness in every word. We all experienced the pregnancy, birth and passing, of Viktor. It was no longer words and phrases, but a sympathetic vibration from her heart to ours; until all Hearts beat as one Heart. We became intimately connected; we knew her grief and her joy. A Mother's love embracing us all.

Outside, Thunder rolled in the dark clouds over the Mountains. A warm rain, like tears from heaven, fell gently all around. Three little girls danced and laughed gaily, in the rain. They were celebrating the joy of life; Every life.

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