Sunday, July 02, 2006

Canada Day!

Canada Day: Is it Flag waving nationalism? An identity prop for the dispossessed and estranged? A psychological buttress for fragile egos! Like my car, like me! Dis my Flag, dis me and we are all in it together! It is the plaint of the powerless, the cry of lost and the hope of the disconnected!

My take on being born somewhere is that you are a fragment of Nature's urge in that landscape. That you reflect the land you were grown from.

Somewhere, an ancient voice sounded, in this land. From times when this land was peopled by the various red nations. A time when the white nations first gathered on her shores. That voice told of how it would take several generations for the land to change these new people. That the land would mould them for whatever evolutionary urges the land would require. That time is now ... these new caretakers come from all the colours of the Medicine wheel. It is you and me ...

I was musing about the 'cultural hybrids' that make up the Canadian melting pot of peoples yesterday, Canada Day. Watching all the differences with my mind, following the threads of history each 'hybrid' carries in their DNA and level of consciousness. Each a bridge, from a place, a people and a past.

Then, I watched them with my Heart, with eyes Divine. As the Heart does not 'differentiate', I was able to see how each and everyone, fulfills Natures purposes, whether or not they are aware of it.

Nature chose us, as the mediums of change, it wants to become. We are a thin organic layer upon the face of the earth. As the Earth's consciousness evolves and changes, so does our own. Unless we choose to accelerate with simple, in tune with Nature, techniques.

Each of us is a synaptic impulse transmuting cosmic energies, into the stuff the Earth can use. Each, a bridge of energy transforms, dancing in ways the Land realizes, in its march towards the goal; evolution!

As we are the Lands Agents of Change, we all have purpose and are connected to her. Even in death, we are utilized for the stuff we transmuted while living; recycled and born again. Then, as the Land Aspires to become a Star, we shall all transcend in that blissful transition ... dust to dust, each mineral born of Cosmic agencies, the furnace of Stars; from Stars we come, to Stars we shall return ... So be it!

So I mused yesterday, laying under a Spruce tree, on a Beach in West Vancouver ...

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