Monday, May 07, 2007

the bicycle prayer

Riding this gift, my Bike, up North Shore streets,
Then I am nearer to this prayer cascading in my Heart.
As if lungs and limbs finally dance to the Rhythm of that awe!

All roads remind me of you!
Like a paradigm shift,
A mathematical uncertainty,
or a fascination with the space between the houses.

Then I hang upside down,
My Heart soaring in the sky,
My mind immersed in deep seas,
And You showing me that immeasurable chasm between.

Now, even my falls are careful reminders,
That You are keeping me from even greater delusions,
Now my Heart is not different from your immutable Spirit,
but roils and expands in Your simple natural Mystery.

This Prayer becomes You at every turn of the wheel,
My breathing is deep, Heart beat a simple song,
While you unfold your awesome creations,
And I feel the Peace of Your Beauty.

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