Thursday, October 04, 2007

the whole is greater, Philos:LOVER

... and the whole is greater

then the sum of the parts!

Indeed, language syntax

is wounded reasons form;

a duality construct mired

in the paradox of you and I...

where the Heart, Love

is without such constructs

and limitations,

only embraces without differentiating,

kisses the Lover while also the Lovers kiss ...

Breathe ...

a wounded reason tells the lie,

a longing Heart 'sees' through,

and eyes glitter at the weightlessness

of floating words ...

all men make a God of their desire ...

as history repeats ad infinitum ad nauseum ...

But learning curves

and temper tantrums go together;

just before we 'get it'

a cognitive dissonance occurs

as synapses rewire

and neurons cascade

into a meaningful flower!

Breathe ...

all one has to do is wish to

`belong` as the first step

in the hubris of meaning,

where meaning becomes a flag,

a banner to hide the little fears,

and differentiate amongst men ...

all men make a God of their desire ...

as history repeats ad infinitum ad nauseum ...

what remains is our courage

to change the world from the inside out ...

Breathe ...

Soul is the dancer

Ascending to eternity

Circle of whirling’s

Reeling heart’s desire

Even the moment

Dances in the light

It is said by the old ones here,

that we each dance the Tribal DNA dreams

of seven generations,

that these patterns permeate our brains

and our bodies.

The old ones continued to say,

that we become what we choose to become,

we become what we LOVE,

and that we stand on the shoulders of giants before us,

so that we can see farther....

Breathe ...

that's the kind of 'believe' the universe does through us...

it is 'dreaming' ourselves into being something new,

stretching us to our potential...

i believe i can evolve further then 'Darwinian' science speculates...

i believe i have a wish fulfilling gem in my heart

which removes all obstacles to the goal i have set my self to;

the caveat is that i have to shine up the gem everyday so it works ...

Breathe ...

There are always beings like this

coming as gateways, as agents of change...

they are Natures urge

and are only real when they are alive,

like Truth is only real when it is alive.

in the light of cosmic time,

both great and small are extinguished in that eternity ...

then again, every particle,

every drop of blood is recycled

from this great cosmic love affair called creation,

consuming and reviving us over and over again, forever ...

Breathe ...

you are the Truth and the light...

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