Sunday, September 30, 2007

Free... flow

oh, your tender Heart,
that swells and burns with ache,
and oh, your wearied mind,
that goes over it again and again,
and, oh, your crying eyes,
that release your mourning anguish,
and, oh, how beautiful you are,
and that Love will soon be growing ...

Free... flow

... these repetitions give it Heart,
and a beat to hang our eyes on,
and linger in your story
... and that we each want to rest in the bliss,
of extinguishing ourselves in a kiss,
or better yet,
to kiss the beloved with the same kiss
the beloved kisses we,
and in that sacrifice, live eternally ...

Free... flow

... to forever thy longing is cast,
to return a beat upon thy heart,
and where your mind may not resist,
thy Love returns with a Soulful kiss ...

Yet we falter and sway,
to reductions and escapes
from our tedious hurtful cry,
to drugs, to sex, to TV,
and all this is delirium;
so to rise, with wounds that heal,
Radically forgive, and do our duty,
is to live with Heart
and the Art to share this with everyone ...

Free... flow

... never so ravished,
as in our longing grows,
'til bursting with wanting,
our heart in writing shows
... your HeArt burst through your Pen,
to ravish a thousand Lovers
with your cozy warmth and secret kiss ...
I know I am!

Free... flow

We share a Love of wonders,
and Nature is more elegant
than the mechanical purpose
posited by wounded reason...
and so she teaches such as we,
and by that learning, we are free ...

Free... flow

‘Tis a meal from which we rise,
never sated, never full,
to go on ravishing on and on,
forever, and further still,
'til each become the other,
in plasmic fields of wonder

Free... flow

a Magic healing by word and rhythm,
that Artful purpose, that noble persuasion,
that HeArt and Art are rich purveyors,
of living Love and the breath of Wonder ...

Free... flow

your words did flow, and carried my heart to a further shore ...

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