Sunday, September 30, 2007


This then my Heart,
that walks in meaning of you,
this then my body,
an alter of water offerings,
this then my soul,
a wind blown out to sea ...

living like a Monk,
dreaming like a Creator of Worlds;
dying like a Human every day ...

ohh, a sweet cry,
to desirous tempest sea,
where crashing, we are tamed,
and to flurry of our sails,
in the lashing of canvas whipped,
by winds that we forsook,
'til current sets us free,
to each others majesty ...

tell me of your beloved,
tell me about your universe
and his patterns exotic,
and how his mind is Quixotic,
and he learns in rhythmic dances,
all the mathematics of your glances,
and he rules a kingdom from a thought,
and he sheds a tear to create his Art ...
tell me of your universe baby,
and I'll sing of my Muse,
tell me of your Heart,
and you will know mine!

... it is a tear, a drop
which makes it not seem right,
and so I write,
of longings never to assuage,
never to embrace my beloved;

... it takes a tear, a drop,
to realize, that you have gone,
and waved a silent good-bye.
So I am sent to crowded Stars,
in a dark and colder sky ...

The voice, which walks, cannot have your heart...
'nor hear, that uncommonest of tongues,
... as the language of the Soul, is silence ...
and you know when you have been unspoken,
you will feel it sublime; Peace is that wordless cry,
a Peace for which to die....

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